To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
What is Red Rock Rural Water System?
It is a system of pipelines, storage reservoirs, pumping stations, wells & treatment facilities located in Cottonwood, Jackson, Redwood, Murray, Lyon, Martin, Brown, Watonwan, & Nobles counties. It serves farms, rural residences, small towns, and unincorporated communities.
Is Red Rock Rural Water System a cooperative?
No. Red Rock Rural Water System is a public body organized under Minnesota State Statute 116A.
Are rural water systems new?
No. Minnesota has six rural water systems.
Why is rural water needed in our area?
There are many reasons, but the most important ones are contaminated or poor quality water supplies, and in some cases, a lack of adequate quantities of water. Water quality is poor or very bad in some cases.
What is poor water costing me now?
It's not difficult to determine what the cost of hauled water is, but we more easily overlook the all too frequent work done on our present wells and pressure systems. Poor water can shorten the life of pipes, water heaters, and other water-using appliances. Poor water may be causing you the loss of gain on feeder stock.
What kind of water quality can I expect from rural water?
Troublesome minerals such as iron and manganese will be removed if necessary and other treatment will comply with state and federal health standards for public water supply systems.
Is rural water a good investment?
We think so. A rural water system means an assured supply of good water. If you choose to continue using your present source for livestock, the rural water system is there to serve you during any period of pump or well failure. The value of your real estate will be enhanced too, by the connection to the system supplying an abundant quantity of quality water.
What do housewives have to say?
Most would not do without it. They do not have to worry about staining problems during clothes washing. Bathroom fixtures stay clean. Less soap is used because the water is generally softer than what they had before. Most importantly, they can be assured that the water is safe for cooking and drinking.
Will I be able to water livestock in addition to using the water in my home?
Yes. The system is designed to provide water for domestic consumption (that is, within homes) and for livestock consumption. Lawn and garden watering is also permitted.
Can I afford to water all of my livestock from the system?
This is a decision that you will have to make. Users have reported better gains in livestock, fewer problems with scours and other problems that they had encountered previously with poor water supply. New well construction cost, maintenance costs of well and pump, and electrical bills for pumping should also be considered and evaluated.
Will I have to repump the water after it is delivered to my farm or residence?
You will not have to re-pump the water since it will be delivered under pressure. Cisterns or pressurizations units are not required.
Will I be required to use only water from the Red Rock Rural Water System?
No. You may continue to use your own well if you wish. For example, some users may only want the rural water for their homes, but continue to use their existing wells for livestock watering. We must caution you, however, that your private water supply may not be interconnected with the rural water system. This is a Health Department regulation.
How will I be billed for my water?
All customers have an Automatic Meter Read (AMR) meter. Through cell phone technology, we automatically read the meter the first business day of each month. The water bill is mailed to the customer in the form of a colored postcard or paperless billing can be requested and the water bill will be e-mailed the first business day of the month. You can pay your water bill by mailing a check, paying on-line through our website, or enrolling in ACH (automatic withdrawal out of a checking or savings account).
I am interested in estimating my water usage. What are some average numbers that I can use to make these calculations?
Our engineers tell us that you can use the following year-round daily usage figures:
People - 60 gallons per person
Feeder Cattle - 8 gallons per head
Hogs/Sheep - 3 gallons per head
Poultry - 5 gallons per 100 birds
Dairy Cattle - 12 gallons per head
I've figured out how much water I use. What will it cost me each month?
Please, refer to the Rates and Policies page to view current water rates and potential overage charges/fees.
What does it cost to sign up for rural water service?
A $500.00 Membership Fee which is used to defray the cost for a feasibility study and engineering fees. It will be the only cost to you until construction is completed. Our current minimum hook-up charge is $18,000.00. This may increase with extra construction requirements. Please call the office at 507-628-4201 with property location to determine feasibility and for a free cost estimate.
What happens if the property assessed is sold?
The assessment stays with the property.
What can I do now if I want rural water?
Contact the Red Rock Rural Water office at (507)-628-4201.
Will land owners along proposed pipeline routes be asked to grant right-of-way or easements?
Yes. Ideally, the pipe is installed in private easement. If the lines are placed on private property, we will not have to be responsible for the cost of moving the pipelines if roads are widened or improved.
What are the other reasons for not installing pipelines in road ditches?
Some of the reasons are lack of adequate room to work, other buried utilities such as telephone line, wet areas, driveways, culverts, etc. It is also more diffficult for the Contractor to properly reshape a ditch after construction.
How much crop will be destroyed and what is the width of the easements required for the construction?
The normal easement widths are thirty feet. However, the contractor will generally disturb no more than twenty feet of crop land during construction. The contractor is normally held responsible for crop damager outside the easement.
Will fences and drainage tile be repaired during construction?
Yes. The contractor is required to repair fences and tile lines to equal or better condition.
What do I do if I am not using water?
If you are not using water you can request to have your water service turned off. We ask that you contact us 48 hours in advance to set up a service call for winterizing your meter or having your servie reconnected. There is no charge for this service call. You are responsible for paying the minimum charge per month even if your water service is disconnected and you are not using any water.
What is your Payment/Delinquent Account Policy?
Monthly water usage payments are due by the 20th and will be considered delinquent if the payment is not received or postmarked by the 20th of each month. If the 20th falls on a weekend or a Holiday, then it must be postmarked the next business day. If payment is not received in the office by 5:00 p.m. or postmarked by the due date, a $10.00 late charge will be added to the total due. If payment and late charge are not received in the office by 5:00 p.m. on the last business day of the month, a disconnect notice will be sent. That will be the only notification given in advance of the service being disconnected 30 days after the disconnect notice is sent. To avoid disconnection, delinquent month, current month and late charges must be paid in full.
Delinquent Disconnect/Reconnect Policy: If your account is 2 billing cycles behind and payment is not received by 5:00 p.m. on the last business day of the month a $75.00 reconnect charge will be added to the total due. All monthly charges, late charges, and reconnect charge must be paid in full prior to reconnection of water service. If you claim that the charges are not properly due and payable, you may request a hearing in writing before expiration of the 30 days.